Tuition starts at approx $4800 for half-day per school year.

Admission Requirements

Children must be at least 18 months of age as of September 1 to be considered for Toddler admission. Children need not be trained in bathroom habits. This is part of the Toddler Program curriculum.
Children must be at least 3 years of age as of September 1 to be considered for Early Childhood admission. Unless a child requires accommodations be made do to a specialized need, children must be able to toilet independently. Wearing diapers or training pants (including pull-up style) is not acceptable.
Children, ages 4 and under, will be assessed individually as to their ability to attend a full-day class. Grasslands Montessori Academy does not provide daycare during school hours (8:30-3:30), therefore children must be able to participate in both a morning and afternoon class.

Admission Procedure

Submit a completed New Student Application along with a non-refundable $50 application fee (upon acceptance to Grasslands Montessori Academy, the application fee will then be applied toward registration fees).  The Director will review the application and you will be informed of either your child’s acceptance, denial, or that further information is needed in order for a decision to be made.

Upon acceptance, complete and submit the appropriate school year contract and any applicable non-refundable registration fees.  Proof of your child’s identity (birth certificate, passport, etc.) will be required at this time.

Admissions Standards

The following admission policies and criteria weigh not only a student’s compatibility with a particular classroom, but also the student’s and family term commitment to a Montessori education and commitment to an active school partnership.
We practice a policy of nondiscrimination on the basis of race, gender, disability, religion, and national and ethnic origin regarding the receipt and review of applications for admission. Furthermore, Grasslands Montessori Academy makes every effort to promote diversity as a value in its curriculum and within its student body and staff. MAR seeks diversity, believing that a child benefits from learning with children of various backgrounds, learning styles, and inherent abilities.
We respect the right to privacy of all prospective students and families, and honor the confidentiality of all reports, records, interview information, and any other information or materials obtained as part of the admission application process.
We welcome applications from a wide variety of students. Recognizing that each child develops in a unique way, we also recognize our limitations in meeting some highly complex or specialized learning needs. Our admissions procedure therefore factors our ability to accommodate particular students’ special needs without disruption to our program in the evaluation of applications for admission. Students who have special needs that fall within our ability to address may be accepted on a provisional basis, with additional stipulations.
A Montessori education is most effective as a three-year cycle (ages 3-6, 6-9, 9-12, 12-14) and in a classroom community with a balanced ratio of ages and gender. Our admission process therefore takes into consideration the long-term educational goals of the parents as well as the balance required in the classroom.
Final placement decisions will be made by the Directress with input from parents, teachers, and records. Interviews and classroom visits by student and parents may be required before a final enrollment decision is made. The Directress’s decisions will be based on the needs of the child individually and as part of the classroom community.